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Our Mission:

At 12 oz. Studios, our mission is to bring the best in body piercing to the South Jersey area. We strive to learn, grow, share and inspire. We are constantly educating ourselves to become more knowledgeable and are always working hard to bring professionalism and talent to our industry. Our shop and all of our employees are registered with the Camden County Board of Health and we uphold the highest standards of sterilization and hygiene along with piercing techniques. We will continue to grow as individuals and as a shop and we will do all that we can to educate our customers and all others willing to learn about our industry and how serious we are about bringing the best to our profession.

Life Style: We are a very diverse group of people and we approach our art form with an open mind. We do not cater to any particular type of client but we DO encourage all types of people to enjoy their bodies and to modify them in their chosen way. We would love to be the shop that simply pierces your ears or the shop that designs a special surface piercing just for you. We are not judgmental of your chosen lifestyle; in fact we enjoy the diversity of all types of people. We know that you will feel comfortable in our shop and with our employees, regardless of your race, background, shape, size, interests, fetishes, or lifestyle.


Body Piercing Policies:

For your health and safety and that of your body piercer, you must be drug and alcohol free and it is suggested that you have eaten a meal within 4 hours before your piercing.

We will not pierce anyone that is pregnant.

You must be 18 years of age or older with a valid Government Issued Photo ID.

You will be required to fill out a release form including a brief health history and consent for us to perform your piercing.

We will accept the following forms of identification:

Drivers License
Military ID
State Non-Drivers ID
Again, it must be a PHOTO ID.

Policies for Minors:

If under the age of 18, but at least 16 years of age, you will be required to have parental consent. Your parent MUST accompany you during the entire procedure. You and your parent will have to fill out and sign a release form. Your parent must have one of the above listed forms of identification and you must have a photo ID and your birth certificate.

If there are different last names for the parent and minor, we require paperwork as proof. Insurance cards, state welfare forms, and change of name/divorce forms can be used as proof. In the case of legal guardianship, we require paperwork proving parental/legal custody. Minors are only permitted by law to have the following piercings performed:

Lip/Labret/Beauty Mark
And all ear piercings are permitted

We will not, under any circumstances, and regardless of parental consent, pierce a minors nipples or genitals, even if they are 17 ½. Dont even ask.

These are the policies of not only our shop, but this is what is required by law. We will not bend or break these rules in any way, shape or form for anyone.








Piercing Aftercare:

Clean your piercing twice daily using a sterile bottled saline rinse/wash. Its best to clean your piercing immediately after showering. This way if any irritants (i.e. soaps, shampoos, etc) enter the fresh wound they can be washed away.

Take a clean cotton swab (i.e. Q-Tip), saturate one end with solution, and gently clean around one side of the piercing. Saturate the other end of the swab and repeat on the opposite side. Finish with cleaning the jewelry.

12 oz. suggests keeping a small bottle of Saline rinse with you at all times. This will be helpful after certain activities (swimming, exercising, sweating, doing the "grown-up") that could expose your healing piercing to irritants or bacteria.

12 oz. suggests using Crest Pro-Health mouthwash, which is alcohol-free, for all oral piercings (tongue, monroe, labret, medusa, etc.) Mouthwash should be used after every time you eat, drink, or smoke. For tongue piercings it is advised to keep your tongue cold for the remainder of the first day to keep swelling down. Ice, ice chips and ice water are going to be the most convenient for this. Stay away from things like Slurpees or Icees as sucking through the straw will put unneeded pressure on your tongue and cause excess swelling.

Before going to bed the first night after your new piercing, 12oz. suggests taking an anti-inflammatory (Advil, Aleeve, Motrin) to help reduce overnight swelling. As a precautionary, please make sure you are not allergic to any over-the-counter medications you have not taken before. Swelling is usually the worst in the morning and will last roughly 3-5 days with most oral piercings.

Other than the expected tenderness, your piercing may look a little reddish/pinkish and be a little flaky around where the jewelry exits. Also a small amount of white or blondish colored discharge will most likely be sloughed or drained from the piercing while it is healing. Discharge that is bright yellow or green could indicate an infection. If at any point in time you think there is something wrong with your piercing, please contact a professional immediately.